About Krista
Hi, I’m Krista Abernethy, a wife to my amazing husband Kendal and mom to 3 beautiful kids. I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and also a Restorative Wellness Practitioner-Level 1. I actually have a degree in Marketing but then decided to pursue my passion and what I feel God gave me as my purpose in helping others with food and nutrition. I have always had a joy for exercise, but it was not until I turned 36 that I learned nutrition played such a huge part in my wellness as well as seeking God’s counsel along the way for changes I would need to make from years of eating patterns.
I had an amazing childhood with great parents and a best friend for a sister. I grew up on the standard American Diet, eating processed foods, Velveeta cheese, cream of this and that and plenty of processed carbs. Looking back at my daily meal, I can remember having a coke and Little Debbie’s cake for breakfast, a sandwich, coke and chips for lunch and some type of gooey casserole for supper filled with hydrogenated oils.
“We are what we repeatedly do” and I am a creature of habit.
All my friends that know me well know that I would eat the same time each day and often the same things causing a blood sugar cascade. Often, I would get hangry if I had not eaten. My bodies innate wisdom was trying to tell me things for years. I dealt with allergies, rashes and one instance of going into anaphylactic shock as a junior in high school from reacting to peanuts after I had eaten them daily for years. As an adult I experienced random things such as gestational diabetes, rashes, fluid on the ears, and inflammation.
At the age of 36 I began having digestion issues. The food I was choosing to eat was making me miserable. I began to wonder WHY these things were happening in my body and I am excited to say I am learning to get to the root of the problem.
As I continued searching an answer, I leaned into my belief system, and sought the Lord’s guidance. My momma may not have been educated on foods that fuel the body, but she taught me to seek the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul.
We all have something deep down we believe in, and I must share with you today, I would not be where I am on my journey without God guiding me and opening doors to learn with education the truth about foods. The Bible verse that I have leaned on is “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink. He feeds the birds and they do not store away, how much more valuable are you than they?”
From this, I just encourage you to not stress about what you are eating. Learning takes time, education is key. By Letting God lead me, this transformation has been a sustainable journey. I would love to encourage women to allow God to lead in making a transforming change in your mind, body and spirit.
My Certifications